The Winter Olympics 2018 has been held in PyeongChang, Korea from February 9th. Peace messengers from all over the world has celebrated its host and sent hopeful messages to express their collective wishes for peace in the Korean Peninsula and the whole world starting from the PyeongChang Olympics, the Peaceful Olympics.

▲ (From Left) Mr. Igweolisa Sunday Nebeolisa-Igwe, Prof. Leonid Tymchenko, H.E. Stanislaw Shushkevich, Rabbi, Dr. Richard Gamboa Ben-Eleazar
As a lover of peace and partner of HWPL International, I support reunification, the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, and sustainable Global peace. We owe our society a duty, we owe our generation a duty to build a peaceful world void of war, not only for the benefit of this present generation, but as a legacy for generations to come. It is achievable, once we put our mind to it and our effort in it, and make the necessary commitment, we will achieve it.
- Mr. Igweolisa Sunday Nebeolisa-Igwe
President of the Integrity Organization
I strongly support the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula and sustainable world peace. The Organization HWPL from Seoul has concentrated its efforts on reaching peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the world for many years. The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War elaborated under the aegis of HWPL must be the focus of attention of the United Nations and the governments of all States. I wish every success to all the participants of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games and for the soon peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula.
- Prof. Leonid Tymchenko
International Law Professor at the University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
I wish this Olympiad would serve as an impetus for another important work, which is world peace. Starting from the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula, because the equally diligent, equally creative people of North and South Korea deserved the right to live together from a long time ago. And people of both nations should convince their head leaders to peacefully unite this magnificent country.
- H.E. Stanislaw Shushkevich
Former Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus
I want, on behalf of all the present religions in my country, to greet the athletes who participate in the Winter Olympic Games, in Pyeongchang, Korea. I want to especially congratulate the Korean athletes, from North and South, for the beautiful and brave gesture of brotherhood that they are giving to the whole world, by competing in these Olympics under a single flag.
The Resolution of the Olympic Truce approved by the United Nations is a great respite. A few days before and after the Olympics to ensure the safety of the athletes, it is a beautiful gesture. But our feeling, our heart, is that this condition of peace will not be maintained only for a few days, but is definitive, stable, eternal. And we want that, especially for Korea, and for all the other countries where, from now on, the Olympic games will be held.
- Rabbi, Dr. Richard Gamboa Ben-Eleazar
Secretary-General of the Interfaith Council of Colombia

▲ (From Left) Mr. Arsenio Pereira da Silva, Sri Mahakarta Das, Mr. Ali Alinc, Phramaha Monchai Saitanaporn
We should support the two Koreas, North and South, to become reunified, to become united, in regards to the Olympic support in South Korea. So, this is on behalf of my NGO Forum, that I send my message. As well, I send my [message of] peace to all of you, especially to South and North Korea. So I want to say “peace, peace, peace” around the world.
- Mr. Arsenio Pereira da Silva
Director of FONGTIL (Timor-Leste NGO Forum)
I give my blessings and I pray to Lord Krishna that there will be peace, prosperity and unity in the Korean Peninsula. I pray that all the differences will be overcome and peace will prevail. All the efforts taken to unite the people through events such as the upcoming Olympics should favor peace and I pray that everyone will be happy and peaceful through these activities.
- Sri Mahakarta Das
President of ISKCON, Sri Lanka
We wish you now in Korea at the Winter Olympic Games harmony and peace. And we also wish for the entire peninsula peace, and also for the entire Korea and the world. May South Korea and North Korea have a peaceful [time] being together and a peaceful [time] living together.
- Mr. Ali Alinc
Preacher of Religion Abraham of Religion Abraham
I’m glad to be here with all of you for this great event, the Winter Olympics Game in Korea. And I would like to send a message from my heart for all of you to be happy, peaceful and successful during the great event. I wish peace happens in Korea and for no conflict between North and South Korea and I wish peace for everyone in the world as well.
- Phramaha Monchai Saitanaporn
Monk of Wat Phra Dhammakaya Berlin

▲ (From Left) Mr. Baatarbileg Baatar, Mr. Onur Oguz Dellal, Prof. Dr. Enver Hasani, Prof. Dr. Goran Bandov
I am having the Hindu faith for the purpose of peace, while working with HWPL. I would like to participate in every place where religious leaders can work for peace, and I hope through this peace will be delivered to everyone. And I wish for a successful PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018 in Korea with the spirits of peace and sports.
- Mr. Baatarbileg Baatar
Head of the Krishna Mandir Religious Organization
We are extremely happy that South and North Korea will be represented under the same flag in the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics. We all hope that all the world and, especially young people, will support HWPL and IPYG for peace. Stay in peace, greetings from Bali.
- Mr. Onur Oguz Dellal
Founder and Chairman of the Youth Participation and Intercultural Dialogue Association(YPIDA)
Through this message I want to convey my warmest gratitude and greetings for peace at the Korean Olympics and to welcome the UN resolution of November of last year and support the Olympics in Korea with the best wishes, that the whole Peninsula lives in peace and is reunited.
- Prof. Dr. Enver Hasani
Professor of International Law, University of Prishtina
Olympic and Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang represent a unique opportunity for everyone who believes in peace and peaceful living together. Everywhere in the world, especially in the Korean Peninsula, let us join forces for greater ideals, sustainability, universality, solidarity, non-discrimination, and fundamental equality for all people. Let us unite.
- Prof. Dr. Goran Bandov
Vice Dean of Dag Hammarskjöld University

▲ (From Left) Mrs. Dr. Hj. Elza Syarief .SH .MH, Mr. Emmanuel Lobijo Josto, Dr. Beniram Koche, Sister Mabel Figer, Ms. Bujidmaa Tsedenkhuu
I support Korea’s unification and world peace as my position. I hope for the success of the Olympic Games in PyeongChang and to improve the sporting spirit and brotherhood of the Korean people.
- Mrs. Dr. Hj. Elza Syarief .SH .MH
Chairwoman of Himpunan Advokat Pengacara Indonesia(HAPI)
I would like to send my message to the United Korea, Sudan and the whole world. I just want to quote something, Mahatma Gandi said, “people will fight you, people will insult you, people will fight you, people will ignore you, but at the end you will win”. So we are the winning team. And If you want to change the world, you have to be the change, that you want to see in this world.
We need to come together and unite in an effort to bring all wars to an end. I just want to say something. We, the youth, should overcome everything. If we unite in an effort together as one, if we decide not to fight, not to point at each other, we will bring everlasting peace in the world.
- Mr. Emmanuel Lobijo Josto
President of Junub Open Space
I want peace in Korea and all around the world too. I hope and am confident that peace will happen in Korea and all over the world. I wish we all will accept, follow and live together with humanistic values like liberty, fraternity, equality and justice to form peace in Korea and all over the world.
- Dr. Beniram Koche
Dhammamitra of Triratna Bouddha Mahasangha
I wish peace to every man, woman and child, and I pray that the image and likeness of God in each person will enable us to acknowledge one another as sacred gifts endowed with immense dignity.
- Sister Mabel Figer
Sister of Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima (FS)
The reason why Mongolian women and the members of LEOS support the aim of HWPL is that HWPL concentrates and works hard for the most desirable [situations] for women in the world, for the dreams of their children and for peace in their minds. We deeply felt grateful and have been actively involved to establish world peace without any collision and with an effort to live peacefully and to build a healthy society. From now on, we will lead the Mongolian women by encouraging a just society and protecting world peace. Within this framework, we are all set to work with women and youth from Korea.
- Ms. Bujidmaa Tsedenkhuu
Chairwoman of LEOS